"On the loose to climb a mountain,

On the loose where I am free.

On the loose to live my life, the way I think my life should be,

For I've only got a moment and a whole world yet to see.

I'll be looking for tomorrow on the loose..."

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Facts

In Sub-Saharan Africa:

There are 22.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS

There were 1.9 million new HIV infections in 2008

There were 1.4 million AIDS related deaths in 2008

Women account for 59% of the HIV/AIDS population

In South Africa:

13.6% of black South Africans are HIV positive, whereas only .3% of white South Africans are HIV positive

1 in 5 high-schoolers is already HIV positive

28% of pregnant women are living with HIV/AIDS

If the correct preventative measures are taken, there is a 98% chance that a baby born to an HIV positive mother will be HIV NEGATIVE. These measures include prenatal antiretroviral treatment, C-section delivery, and no breastfeeding.

Sources: Avert.org and Kaiserfamilyfoundation.org

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